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Главная » 2016 » Апрель » 15 » School Uniform
School Uniform
- School uniform is an essential part of school life in many countries.
- Many schools nowadays have school uniform. Usually they are expensive enough and their uniform is a distinctive mark for most of them.
- However, some schools accept freestyle outfit. I go to a such school.
- It means I don’t wear any school uniform.
- Is it good or bad? This question has both advantages and disadvantages.
- Now, let’s consider positive aspects.
- Firstly, school uniform makes children more disciplined.
- Secondly, school uniform removes social inequality because both rich and poor children wear the same clothes.
- Furthermore, it is not very expensive. And every family can afford to buy it.
- And of course there is no such a question what to put on in the morning.
- Now, let’s pay attention to some negative aspects.
- The disadvantages of school uniform include the loss of individuality. Everyone becomes alike and children look similar.
- The second problem may be untidiness. As children wear the same clothes every day their uniform starts to look a bit untidy.
- There are different opinions on how the standard school uniforms should look like.
- We can see a lot of examples of good uniform in other schools.
- No matter how it could look like, I think it should be both nice and comfortable, for cold and for warm weather.
Категория: Подготовка к экзамену |
Просмотров: 354 |
Добавил: anvik
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