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Главная » 2022 » Декабрь » 3 » День 3
1. Прочесть вслух, заменить многоточия на информацию о себе, перевести и выучить выделенные слова.
2. Задайте на английском языке 4 вопроса воображаемому собеседнику по данной теме. (например: Сколько тебе лет? У тебя есть сестра или брат?)
3. Записать в аудиофайл и выслать в группу или мне на ВК.
- Let me tell you about myself.
- My name is …………………………….. I am 14. (years old)
- I have got ……………eyes, short ……….hair, small nose.
- I am quite tall.
- I study at school number 4, in the ninth form.
- I live in Krasniy Luch town. It is near Lugansk.
- My family is not big. I have got a mother, a father, and I’ve got grandmother Nina and grandfather Roman.
- I live in a block of flats with my beloved mummy, my father and a cat.
- I get on very well with my family.
- We split the chores: I have to tidy up my room, do hoovering, to wash the dishes.
- My mum does cooking, ironing and washing. My father has to take out the garbage. And we like to go shopping together.
- In my free time I usually watch TV, play the computer games. I also like reading.
- My favourite book / film is ………………………
- Sometimes I go for a walk with my friends.
- And what about you? (ваши 4 вопроса)
Категория: Дистанционное обучение |
Просмотров: 139 |
Добавил: Алина
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