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День 3



1. Прочесть вслух, заменить многоточия на информацию о себе, перевести и выучить выделенные слова.

2. Задайте на английском языке 4 вопроса воображаемому собеседнику по данной теме. (например: Сколько тебе лет? У тебя есть сестра или брат?)

3. Записать в аудиофайл и выслать в группу или мне на ВК.

  1. Let me tell you about myself.
  2. My name is …………………………….. I am 14. (years old)
  3. I have got ……………eyes, short ……….hair, small nose.
  4. I am quite tall.
  5. I study at school number 4,  in the ­­­ninth form.
  6. I live in Krasniy Luch town. It is near Lugansk.
  7. My family is not big. I have got a mother, a father, and I’ve got grandmother Nina and grandfather Roman.
  8. I live in a block of flats with my beloved mummy, my father and a cat.
  9. I get on very well with my family.
  10. We split the chores: I have to tidy up my room, do hoovering, to wash the dishes.
  11. My mum does cooking, ironing and washing. My father has to take out the garbage.  And we like to go shopping together.
  12. In my free time I usually watch TV, play the computer games. I also like reading.
  13. My favourite book / film is ………………………
  14. Sometimes I go for a walk with my friends.
  15.  And what about you? (ваши 4 вопроса)

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Елена Геннадиевна
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